backとは 意味・定義・例文
Adverb 副詞
ばク US /bæk/ UK /bæk/
1. in the direction that is behind you
後ろ, 後ろに
She looked back again.
2. in or to the place, position, or state where someone or something was before
元に, 元へ
She got back home in the morning.
Noun 名詞
ばク US /bæk/ UK /bæk/
1. the part of your body from your neck to your waist
She was carrying her baby on her back.
2. any surface regarded as corresponding to the human back
後部, 背, 反対側
the back of the head
Verb 動詞
ばク US /bæk/ UK /bæk/
1. (cause a vehicle to) move backwards
She backed the car into the garage.
I'll back up her plan.