
glowとは 意味・定義・例文

Noun 名詞

1. a soft steady light and/or heat

白熱, 輝き
a glow of a lamp

2. a bright, warm, or healthy color

赤み, ほてり
a glow in the cheeks

Verb 動詞

1. burn with little or no flames or smoke

Coals are still glowing in the stove.

2. shine as if red-hot or white-hot as a result of being heated

The hot iron glowed red.

3. shine intensely as if from great heat

真っ赤に燃える; 赤く光る
The western sky glowed with crimson.

4. go pink or red in the face, especially from cold or after exercise; redden

赤くなる, 紅潮する
His cheeks glowed as he danced.

5. go pink or red in the face, especially because of strong feelings; redden

赤くなる, 紅潮する
glow with pride[pleasure, anger, enthusiasm, patriotism, ...]

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