lowとは 意味・定義・例文
Adjective 形容詞
1. not high or tall; not extending far upwards
a low wall a low table
2. in a lower place; near to the ground or horizon
low clouds The plane is flying very low. The sun is low at 4 o'clock in winter.
3. less than usual, normal, or average
a low price The temperature is low today.
4. poor
a low standard of living
5. of a humble position or rank
卑しい, 地位の低い
a man of low birth a low job upper and lower classes of society
We were low on gas. ー Our car was low on gas.
Please speak in a low voice.
A man's voice is usually lower than a woman's.
低い, 浅い
The water (level) is low.
10. lacking in strength, spirit, and joy; depressed
落ち込んだ, 弱った
Today is Monday. Everybody feels low.
Adverb 副詞
1. in, at, or to a low level or position
下に, 下へ, 低く, 低い所へ
"Where is the pain? Here?" "A little lower down."