deadとは 意味・定義・例文
Adjective 形容詞
デド US /dɛd/ UK /dɛd/
1. no longer living; without life
死んだ, 死んでいる
My father has been dead for ten years.
2. ⦅the -⦆ people who are dead
死者, 亡くなった人
the dead and the wounded
The phone went dead in the middle of our conversation.
4. no longer used; out of date
効力のない, 廃れた
a dead language
5. without activity or excitement; completely quiet
The village was dead after sunset.
Adverb 副詞
デド US /dɛd/ UK /dɛd/
1. so as to be dead; completely
死ぬほど, 完全に
She is dead tired.