
drawとは 意味・定義・例文

Noun 名詞

1. a game that ends with the same score on both sides or no winner; tie game

引き分け, ドロー, 膠着状態, デッドヒート
The game ended[resulted] in a draw. ーThe game was drawn.

2. the act of drawing, or the state of being drawn

引くこと, 引っ張り
He's quick on the draw.

Verb 動詞

1. make a line to produce a picture of, using a pen or pencil; make a drawing

絵を描く|~を引く, スケッチする, 描く
Let's draw a picture of a dog.
Draw a line with the ruler.

2. move nearer; come

動く, 近づく, 近寄る
Summer drew near to an end.

3. pull or drag something heavy; yank or jerk

~を引きずる, ~を引く, ~を引っ張る
The wagon was drawn by horses.

4. move somewhere, or move something somewhere; carry

動く, 移動する|~を動かす, ~を移動させる
The taxi was drawing away.

5. close or open a curtain

引く, 引っ張る|~を引く, ~を引っ張る
Please draw the curtains.

6. attract someone’s attention; cause to come

The movie drew a large audience.

7. end a game with the same score on both sides or no winner; be even

The game was drawn. ー The game ended[resulted] in a draw.

8. take money out of a bank account; withdraw

~を引き出す, ~をおろす
She drew twenty dollars from the bank.

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