
faceとは 意味・定義・例文

Noun 名詞

1. the front of the head from the forehead to the chin

I have to go wash my face. ❖ go washgo and wash
My sister has a round face.

2. the features or facial expression

顔つき, 表情

3. the outward appearance or look of anything

外観, 外見, 様相

4. the front or upper side of something

表面, 正面, 前面, 側面, 外側, 表側

Verb 動詞

1. look in a particular direction; be turned

向いている, 面している|~を向ける, ~に面している
The sunflower faces the sun.

2. accept something unpleasant as true; admit

~を直視する, ~を受け入れる
We've got to face facts.

3. meet bravely or boldly; stand up against

~に立ち向かう, ~に対処する

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