gradeとは 意味・定義・例文
Noun 名詞
1. the mark given by teachers to an examination paper or a piece of school work
成績, 評点, 評価
I got a good grade in mathematics.
2. a degree of rank or quality
グレード, 等級
the highest grade of meat a poor grade of tea Grade A milk
3. a class of persons or things of the same rank or quality
4. a single division of a school course based on the age of the pupils
I'm in the fourth grade.
5. the group of pupils in such a division
Verb 動詞
1. give a grade to an examination paper or a piece of school work; evaluate
~に成績をつける, ~を評価する
grade test papers
2. arrange in or allocate to grades according to some quality; separate into levels
~を格付けする, ~に等級をつける, ~をグループ分けする
Melons are graded according to size and color.