
grumbleとは 意味・定義・例文


Noun 名詞

1. a rumbling sound

ごろごろという音, 轟

2. a complaint

不平不満, 愚痴, 文句, 苦情
I don't want to hear another grumble from you.

Verb 動詞

1. make a rumbling sound like a thunder or stomach makes

ごろごろ鳴る, 轟く
Thunder was grumbling in the distance.
When your intestines process food, your abdomen may grumble or growl.

2. keep complaining about something unimportant in a bad-tempered way; complain peevishly

ぶつぶつ文句を言う, 不平を言う|~をぶつぶつ言う, ~を不平がましく言う
My mother grumbles about one thing or another all day long.

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