hardとは 意味・定義・例文
Adjective 形容詞
1. firm, rigid, or solid, not easily broken, pressed down, or pierced
堅い, 固い, 硬い, 頑丈な
a hard ground[wood, stone, bread, bed, ...] Turtle shells are very hard. Diamond is the hardest of all gems. His abdominal muscle is (as) hard as rock.
2. severe
厳しい, 辛い, きつい
a hard time[life, lot, fate, childhood, illness, ...]
難しい; 労力を要する
a hard problem[question, choice, ...] a hard lesson[book, language, ...] a hard job[work, task, ...] The question is hard to answer. His explanations are hard to understand. He is hard to please. The news is hard to believe.
4. diligent and hard-working
a hard worker He is hard at work.
5. unpleasantly cold, wet, or dark
have a hard weather[winter, rain, ...]
a hard heart[nature, ...]
a hard teacher[master, father, ...] a hard treatment[dealing, bargain, training...] a hard law[sentence] Bob is hard on his son.
Adverb 副詞
1. earnestly
熱心に, 懸命に
work[study, think, run, ... ] hard
2. heavily
It is raining very hard.
3. severely
I am hard pressed for money.
4. forcefully
Please knock on this door hard.