stopとは 意味・定義・例文
Noun 名詞
1. the act of stopping, or the state of being stopped
止まること, 止めること
The bus came to a stop at the red light.
2. a place where a bus or train picks up and drops off passengers regularly
停車所, 停留所
Is this your stop?
3. a halt; standstill
停止; 休止; 中断
He brought the car to a stop.
Verb 動詞
休む, とまる
We stopped at the lake for lunch.
2. put an end to the movement, progress, or operation of
とまる, 立ちどまる|~をとめる
stop a car stop an engine The train stops at every station.
3. put a stop to an action or activity
~をやめる, ~をとめる, ~を終わらせる, ~をやめさせる
She stopped crying. We stopped talking.
4. close an opening etc., as by covering or filling in
~をふさぐ, ~をふさぐ, ~を遮る
stop a hole
5. prevent from happening or from doing something
We must stop her (from) telling them.