watchとは 意味・定義・例文
Noun 名詞
1. a small clock for the wrist or the pocket
時計, 腕時計
My watch is three minutes fast.
2. alert watchfulness; alertness
見張り, 警戒, 用心
keep watch against a danger
Verb 動詞
1. be a spectator of; look at as a spectator
~を見る, ~を見物する
watch television
じっと見る, 見守る, 注目する|~をじっと見る, ~を見守る, ~に注目する
We should watch the development of the situation calmly. ― We should wait and see what will happen. ― We should let things take their own course.
~に注意する, ~に用心する, ~に注意を払う
Please watch your step.
~の面倒を見る, ~の世話をする; ~の看病をする
I want you to watch my baby while I am out.
5. keep under close observation
Please watch my belongings while I am away.