
balanceとは 意味・定義・例文

Noun 名詞

ばランス US /ˈbæləns/ UK /ˈbæləns/

1. an instrument that is used for weighing two things

weigh in a balance

2. the condition in which two opposite sides or parts are the same weight

釣り合った状態, 平衡
The two kids kept the seesaw in balance.

3. a situation in which different or opposite things are of equal importance or in correct proportions

We should maintain the environmental balance of the world.

Verb 動詞

ばランス US /ˈbæləns/ UK /ˈbæləns/

1. weigh two things against each other on scales

I balanced the meat that I just bought.

2. make or be equal in weight

重さが等しい, 重さを等しくする
Try to balance the two sides of the scale.

3. make yourself or something else staying without falling to one side or the other

バランスをとる, バランスを保つ
She tried to balance herself on the leg.

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