feelingとは 意味・定義・例文
Noun 名詞
1. the sensation of touching or being touched; power and capacity to feel; sense of touch
感覚, 触った感じ
the feeling of water against your skin It was so cold that I had no feeling in my hands.
2. any sensation of the body in general
a feeling of cold[pain, dizziness, nausea, ...]
3. a state of mind; an emotional sense
感覚, 感じ
I had a feeling of danger[hope, happiness, sadness, frustration, hunger, ...].
4. a state of being aware of something; conviction
I have a feeling that my mother is aware of fact.
感情, 態度
anti-Chinese feeling
6. a belief or idea that you cannot explain clearly
感覚, 意見, 考え
My feeling is that he's wrong. I have a feeling that he isn't tell the truth. I had a good feeling about this.
7. an intuitive understanding that you cannot explain clearly; intuitive sense
I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen.
8. a general impression conveyed by a person, place etc.; atmosphere
雰囲気, 印象, 趣き
New York has the feeling of being a big city.
9. ⦅oft. -s⦆ a person’s emotions; emotional sensitivity; sensibilities
感情, 気持ち
You've hurt my feelings. He often hurts her feelings by what he says. He seldom shows his feelings.
10. excitement of mind, especially angry, resentment, discontent etc.
speak with feeling
11. sympathetic understanding; tenderness, generosity, pity etc.
思いやり, 同情, 哀れみ
show a feeling for the poor have no feeling for the sufferings of others
12. instinctive appreciation and sensitive understanding; sensibility
フィーリング, センス, 感受性; 適正
She has a keen feeling for beauty in nature and art. He plays the piano with great feeling.