
floodとは 意味・定義・例文

Noun 名詞

1. a huge flow of water that rises and spreads over what is usually dry land

This town often suffers from floods.

Verb 動詞

1. overflow with water beyond its normal limits

Many people were hurt when the river flooded.

2. (cause to) be covered or filled with water in a flood

The road flooded like a river.
The river had burst its banks and flooded the village.
Many houses were flooded by the heavy rain.

3. come in large amounts

~に殺到する, ~に大勢が押し寄せる
Fan letters flooded in.
The office was flooded with applicants. ー Application flooded into the office.
Chinese products have flooded the American market.
The company was flooded with complaints.

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