forwardとは 意味・定義・例文
Adjective 形容詞
1. directed or moving towards a place in front of you
a forward movement
2. in or near the front of something, especially of a ship or an aircraft
a forward seat on a bus forward part structure of a vehicle
3. well advanced or developed; progressive
a forward pupil a forward opinion forward for one's age
4. too familiar and confident in one’s manner; too eager
ずうずうしい, 出しゃばりな, 厚かましい
a forward young man
Forward planning is essential.
Adverb 副詞
1. towards a place in front of you; ahead
前方へ, 前へ
She took one step forward.
2. in or near the front of something, especially of a ship or an aircraft
Try to get a seat as far forwards as possible.
3. towards the future; ahead in time
先へ, 将来に向けて
from this time forward Look forward.
put a clock forward an hour bring the meeting forward a week
Verb 動詞
1. send a letter, email, or goods on to a further destination after you have received it; redirect
I forwarded the letter to her[her new home].