
handleとは 意味・定義・例文

Noun 名詞

1. the part of a tool, bag, or cup for holding or carrying it easily; haft

取っ手, 持ち手, 柄の部分
the handle of a knife
a round handle
The handle came off the umbrella.

2. an object that is attached to a door or window for opening and closing it; knob or pull


Verb 動詞

1. touch, hold, or move with your hands, as for looking at or weighing something

Don't handle my books on my desk.
"Handle with care."

2. treat with the hands

~を手で扱う, ~を手でいじる
Don't handle a dog so roughly!

3. operate or with the hands; manipulate

The boy can handle a knife and work very well.
She handled the reins well.
The car handles well on difficult roads.

4. behave towards or deal with in a certain way; manage

She is very good at handling tricky situations.
I can't handle those children.
The teacher is good at handling pupils.
Don't handle a dog so roughly!
The opposition party leader was roughly handled by the mob.

5. buy and sell a particular product; deal in

~を取り扱う, ~を売買する
The shop handles stationery.
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