identifyとは 意味・定義・例文
Verb 動詞
1. tell what something is or who someone is; recognize
~と同一であると確認する, ~を見分ける
Can you identify this flower? The body is not identified yet. A simple rhyme can help you identify safe-to-eat berries: “White and yellow, kill a fellow. Purple and blue, good for you.”
2. regard as being the same as; put in the same category as
identify wealth with happiness
3. ⦅- (oneself) with⦆ put oneself in someone’s place so as to understand and share the other’s thoughts, feelings etc.; feel oneself to be one with another; put oneself in the shoes of
自分を同一視する, 相手の立場になって考える; 共感する, 同情する
He identified with the hero of the novel.