spotとは 意味・定義・例文
Noun 名詞
点, 斑点
My cat is white with brown spots.
2. a small mark or stain left by dirt etc.; blot
しみ, 汚れ
an ink spot
3. a small red mark on your skin; pimple
She got spots on her face.
4. a particular, especially small, place; point
a fishing spot You can see the Mt Denali from this spot.
5. a particular place where people go for amusement; place of entertainment
スポット, 場所
Kyoto is a beautiful spot.
Verb 動詞
染みがつく, 汚れる|~に染みをつける, ~を汚す
The mud spotted my new shirt.
2. see or notice someone or something that is difficult to detect or recognize
~を見つける, 気づく, ~を突き止める
I spotted her in the crowd.