
Meaning of care in English


US /kɛr/ UK /keə/

1. proper maintenance of something

Too much care will spoil the plants.

2. appropriate medical treatment;

The right care for a boiling water burn can ease the pain and reduce the risk of serious complications.

3. attentive assistant or treatment, especially because someone is ill, poor, or weak

He is under the care of his aunt.

4. serious attention and thought applied to avoid damage, loss, error, risk etc.

She chose her words with care.

5. a feeling of concern, worry, or anxiety

Little wealth, little care. (proverb)

6. a cause for concern or worry

I have no cares.


US /kɛr/ UK /keə/

1. feel worried, interested, or concerned about someone or something

The only thing he cares about is money.

2. like or love someone

I don't really care for his parents.

3. look after someone

My sister cared for me when I was sick.

4. like or want something

I don't much care for fried food.
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