
Meaning of flat in English


1. having a smooth or level surface; even

a flat roof
A floor is flat.
People believed that the earth was flat.

2. stretched out and not sloping or raising; horizontal

laying flat on the ground

3. not very deep or high; shallow or low

a flat dish
flat shoes

4. without enough air inside; punctured

a flat ball
a flat tire

5. lacking in variety and interest; dull, tedious, or repetitious

The conversation[party] is rather flat.

6. lacking energy, enthusiasm, or liveliness

7. showing no activity; dull and sluggish

The market is flat.

8. resolutely firm and unwavering; complete

a flat refusal[denial]

9. below normal pitch; ♭

a flat note


1. in or to a horizontal position

She fell flat on the ground.

2. completely

refuse flat[flatly]

3. just

He ran fifty meters in 7 seconds flat.


1. Music, a tone one half step lower than the natural pitch

2. Music, a written sign in sheet music that shows that the next note is a flat



1. a set of rooms on one floor of a building, used as a home

We've sold your flat.
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