
Meaning of freeze in English


1. (cause to) turn into ice or very hard substance at a very low temperature

Water freezes at 0℃.

2. have ice form in or on; ice over or up

The lake freezes early in winter.
The water in the bucket is frozen.
The water pipe was frozen yesterday.

3. make a food or drink very cold in order to preserve it

freeze ice cream
freeze fruit

4. be hurt or killed by cold

freeze[be frozen] to death

5. be or feel extremely cold

We froze without a down parker.

6. make a person’s blood freeze; scare

The story froze me with terror.
I froze with terror.

7. suddenly stand completely still because you are frightened

Fear froze me (on) to the door.

8. ⦅F-!⦆ Stop!; Don’t Move!


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