directとは 意味・定義・例文
Adjective 形容詞
1. going straight towards a place, person, or object without changing direction or stopping; by the shortest route
まっすぐな, 直行する, 最短の
a direct flight from Paris to New York
2. from one person or thing to another person or thing without anything or anyone else being involved in between; immediate
direct sunlight direct heat a direct election
3. frank and honest; straightforward
率直な, 単刀直入な, 無遠慮な, 正直な
Please give me a direct answer.
Verb 動詞
1. tell or show someone what to do; be in charge of
~を命令する; ~を監督する
My boss directed me to do the job.
2. tell or show someone how to get to a place; guide or lead
Can you direct me to the station?