followとは 意味・定義・例文
Verb 動詞
Don't follow me! Please follow me. The dog followed me. He followed after a white cat.
Follow this road until you get to the corner, then turn right.
The President is always followed by SP.
The police were following the robber.
5. come or take place after, in space, time, or order; happen next
Tuesday follows Monday. March follows February. The lightning was quickly followed by[with] thunder.
6. take an office or position over from another person; succeed
~のあとを継ぐ, ~に取って代わる
Elizabeth Ⅱ was followed by Elizabeth Ⅲ.
7. act or do something in accordance with; obey
Please follow my instruction. We followed the teacher's advice.
8. understand the plot of story, or understand the explanation or meaning of something; follow with the mind
~の筋を追う, ~を理解する
I can't follow. I can't follow you at all.
9. copy someone’s speech or behavior, or copy something as a model; imitate
~をまねる, ~を手本とする
You should follow his example.