presentとは 意味・定義・例文
Adjective 形容詞
いる, ある, 出席している
The committee were all present.
現存する, 現在の, 目下の
We cannot pay the expense in the present situation.
Noun 名詞
1. the time that is happening now; the present time
今, 現在
There is no time like the present.
Noun 名詞
1. a thing given to someone as a gift, usually on a special day
プレゼント, 贈り物
I have a present for you. ― I have something for you.
Verb 動詞
1. give someone a gift, usually on a special day
~にプレゼントをする, ~に贈り物をする
We presented an album to our teacher.
2. put forward for consideration or judgment
This presented us with a difficult problem.