
affectとは 意味・定義・例文

Verb 動詞

1. work chemically on

Acids affects metal but not gold.

2. work physically on; have a direct and often harmful effect on

Smoking affects your health.
Some plants are quickly affected by cold.
There is nothing on earth that is not affected by the sun.

3. work emotionally on; touch or disturb the emotions of

~を感動させる; ~を刺激する; ~を狼狽させる; ~を悲しませる; ~を感化する
She was much affected by the sad news.
The death of his daughter affected him deeply.
I was deeply affected by Beethoven's symphonies.

4. cause disease or infection in; attack or infect

The disease affected his brain.
Cancer affected his lung.
My grandmother was affects by rheumatism.


Verb 動詞

1. tend to by nature; tend to assume

Drop of a liquid affect a round figure.

2. assume the manner of; imitate

She affects an Oxford accent.
He affects Silicon Valley.

3. pretend to have, feel, or do something that you do not; simulate

~を装う, ~のふりをする
He affected ignorance[innocence, indifference, ...].
She affected a haughty manner.
He affected to be deaf.

4. begin or prefer to have, use, or wear something in a way that is intended to attract attention; assume

~し始める, ~を好んでする
She affects a Hollywood style of dress.

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