failとは 意味・定義・例文
Noun 名詞
1. a failure
I will be there without fail tomorrow morning.
2. an unsuccessful result in a test or examination
不合格, 落第
Verb 動詞
1. not succeeding in doing or getting something wanted
He fails every time he tries. Our plans failed.
2. not pass a test or course of study
不合格になる, 赤点を取る|~を不合格になる, ~で赤点を取る
He failed geometry. He failed in the examination.
3. not do something, often because you forget it
~しない, ~をし損なう, ~を怠る
He failed to come.
Our supply will soon fail.
The power failed after the hurricane. ー There was a power failure after the hurricane.
A number of banks failed during the Lehman shock.