
newとは 意味・定義・例文

Adjective 形容詞

1. not seen, heard, known, learnt, experienced etc. before

新しい, 見たことも聞いたこともない, これまでにしたことがない
I'm learning a new language.
The idea is new to me.
"What's new today? "Nothing special."

2. recently created, designed, built etc.

a new hotel

3. recently bought

新しい, 最近買った
Do you like my new dress?
My camera is new.

4. up to date; modern; latest

新しい, 最新の
a new fashion
new information
This computer is the newest model.

5. not existing before; novel

新しい, これまでにない
a new approach

6. freshly made

新しい, 作りたての
new bread

7. harvested early

新しい, 早めに収穫された
new potatoes
new rice

8. not previously used or owned by anyone

新しい, 新品の, 未使用の
This is a new bag.
He bought a new car.

9. changed from the earlier one(s)

新しい, 以前とは違う
a new job[teacher, home, ...]
We like our new English teacher.
She introduced me to her new boyfriend.

10. recently arrived in; unfamiliar with or strange to

I am new to this work[town, ...]. ー The work[town, ...] is new to me.
I'm new around here.

11. recently discovered

新たな, 最近発見された
a new star
important new evidence
testing a new drug

12. additional

新しい, 追加の
I found out new information.

13. beginning again

begin a new game

14. just beginning

新しい, 新しく始まったばかりの
a new day
a new school year
a new era
start  a new life after a divorce

15. refreshed in mind or body

新しい, 生まれ変わった
I feel a new man after long vacation.

Adverb 副詞

1. newly or recently

新しく, 最近

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