
whatとは 意味・定義・例文

Adjective 形容詞


Adverb 副詞

1. in what way; how much

何という~!, 何たる~!, なんて~なんだ!
What cold weather!

Interjection 間投詞

1. used to express surprise, excitement, anger etc.

なんだって!, へえ!, なに!
What! That can be true!

Interrogative adjective 疑問形容詞

1. what sort of; which kind of; which one or ones of several or many

どんな, 何の, どの
What kind of music do you like?

2. what a large amount; how much or many

どれほどの, どれくらいの
What size shoes do you wear?

Interrogative adverb 疑問副詞

1. to what extent or degree; how much

どれほど, どのくらい, どの程度
What does it matter to you?

Interrogative pronoun 疑問代名詞

1. what thing or things; the thing or things that

何, どんな; 何を, 何が
What's your name?

Relative adjective 関係形容詞

1. any or allthat; the whole of; as much as, or as many as

~の全部; ~だけの, ~する限りの
I read what books are available.

Relative pronoun 関係代名詞

1. that or those which

~するもの, ~すること
This is what you must do.

2. everything or anything that; whatever

Do what you please. ー Do anything you like.

3. the kind of thing or person that; such

~するもの[こと, 人]
She is not what she was.

4. the thing or things that

She failed the exam, and then, what I hadn't expected, burst into laughter.

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