wrongとは 意味・定義・例文
Adjective 形容詞
悪い, 不道徳な
War is wrong. Telling a lie is wrong.
2. not correct or true; not right
誤った, 間違った, 不適切な
the wrong answer
3. not proper or fit; not the best
間違った, 問題のある
I took the wrong bus. Sorry, you have the wrong number. I think she married the wrong man.
4. not working properly; out of order
正常でない, 壊れている, 問題がある
Your watch is wrong. There is nothing wrong with my PC. Is anything wrong with the engine?
5. reverse or upside-down; opposite
反対の, 裏表の; 逆さまの
You're wearing your shirt wrong side out. You're holding the book the wrong way up.
Adverb 副詞
1. wrongly
You guessed wrong.
Noun 名詞
1. what is not morally right; evil or sin
悪, 悪いこと, 道徳的に間違っていること
Small children do not know right from wrong.
2. a bad or dishonest behavior, or unfair treatment
悪事, 不正; 不当な扱い
put a wrong right ー right a wrong suffer wrongs