Meaning of handle in English
1. the part of a tool, bag, or cup for holding or carrying it easily; haft
the handle of a knife
a round handle
The handle came off the umbrella.
2. an object that is attached to a door or window for opening and closing it; knob or pull
1. touch, hold, or move with your hands, as for looking at or weighing something
Don't handle my books on my desk.
"Handle with care."
Don't handle a dog so roughly!
3. operate or with the hands; manipulate
The boy can handle a knife and work very well.
She handled the reins well.
The car handles well on difficult roads.
4. behave towards or deal with in a certain way; manage
She is very good at handling tricky situations.
I can't handle those children.
The teacher is good at handling pupils.
Don't handle a dog so roughly!
The opposition party leader was roughly handled by the mob.
5. buy and sell a particular product; deal in
The shop handles stationery.