Meaning of hasty in English
1. made or done in a hurry; hurried
a hasty trip
a hasty visit
a hasty meal
a hasty glance
a hasty retreat
hasty construction
Don't be so hasty. ー Take it easy.
2. made or done in a hurry; hurried
a hasty trip
a hasty visit
a hasty meal
a hasty glance
a hasty retreat
hasty construction
Don't be so hasty. ー Take it easy.
3. decided without much thought or proper care and therefore with the bad results; rash
a hasty decision
a hasty judgment
a hasty conclusion
hasty generation
4. decided without much thought or proper care; rash
a hasty decision
a hasty judgment
a hasty conclusion
hasty generation
5. happening or done too quickly; speedy
a hasty recovery
the hasty growth of the cells
a hasty recovery
the hasty growth of the cells