inclineとは 意味・定義・例文
Noun 名詞
傾斜, 勾配
There is an incline ahead.
Verb 動詞
1. bend one’s head forwards and downwards; bow or nod
曲げる, お辞儀する, 乗り出す
2. (cause to) move into a sloping position; (cause to) bend forward or downward; lean
From this point the hill inclines steeply.
3. have a physical or mental tendency; have a habitual tendency; have a disposition
incline to leanness incline to laziness incline towards depression
4. having a liking or preference for; be interested in or concerned with; be willing to do
~を好む; ~に興味[関心]がある; ~したい
She inclines to study abroad.
5. having a tendency to be or to do; likely to be or do
The motorbike is inclined to stall when it's cold outside.